The combination and integration of different disciplines is the strength of Lamp-ion. The goal of Lamp-ion is to fill the gap between science and industry for the development of new technological concepts and products.
For example for:
- Concept: Development of new product concepts within your current portfolio.
- Feasibility studies: Evaluation of technical feasibility.
- Prototype development: Develop and test new concepts.
::: News :::
Water Waves receives first production batch of low pressure UV-C lamps without internal electrodes

These innovative lamps have a remarkable lifetime of 6 years without performance loss, significantly saving on energy, maintenance, and raw materials. The secret? Capacitively powering the lamps at 2 MHz, made possible by sandblasted conductive outer electrodes.
In cooperation with Water Waves, Lamp-ion is currently testing a series of 100 Watt and 400 Watt amalgam lamps and can hardly wait to share the results!
This groundbreaking development is thanks to the support of the SPOWAR Deutschland – Nederland Interreg project.

Water Waves gets BZG approval for the Hortibatch
The Hortibatch works on the principle of oxidation with UV-C radiation, hydrogen peroxide and ultrasound. With the UV-C radiation and the hydrogen peroxide the crop protection products are oxidized. The ultrasound amplifies this process and at the same time ensures that the quartz protective sleeves remain clean thanks to the sound vibrations. Optical sensors monitor the process. The Hortibatch works fully automatically and can purify drain water for discharge as well as disinfection. Via the local network and a cloud service, everything can be monitored in real time and the history can be viewed. Thanks to patented ultrasound technology with frequency sweep and the batch process, the Hortibatch is energy efficient and the footprint of the entire installation is limited to a Europallet of 120 X 80 cm. For more info go to

This project was awarded by the VIDA project and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no 777795.
The content of this document represents the view of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility: it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). The European Commission and the Agency do not accept responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.
Project “Sustainable strawberry fields Forever”
A consortium of project partners Lamp-Ion B.V., Water Waves B.V., Appsen, and Aquacolor Sensors B.V. have joint forces to reduce the ecological footprint of greenhouses. The project was awarded an EU Vida grant.
The horticulture sector has a significant ecological footprint due to its vast energy and water consumption, and the production of wastewater streams containing plant nutrients and traces of pesticides.

This project aims to demonstrate new and innovative technology to save between 20 to 60% of energy, water, and chemicals in a full-scale strawberry greenhouse. The technology to be demonstrated will prevent crop infection with micro-organisms, crop toxification with sodium ions, and it will remove pesticides from the wastewater stream. Finally, the formation of the wastewater stream will be reduced by at least 60%.
The project objectives are achieved by an “all-in-one concept” that integrates disinfection of recycling water in greenhouses, purification of the wastewater streams from pesticides through advanced oxidation, algae destruction in rainwater storage tanks through ultrasound and steering of the wastewater purge based on a sodium sensor.
The new concept will be demonstrated at end-user APM Aardbeien at Berlikum, The Netherlands. Based on energy and mass balances, it is expected that the new concept is both technically and economically feasible and that it provides an environmentally friendly solution for optimizing the water cycle in greenhouses and saving natural resources at the same time.
The demonstration phase will provide valuable data making it possible to draft business cases in other horticulture market segments such as the growing of tomatoes, sweet peppers, and cucumbers.
The societal impact of the new technology lies in the reduction of energy and water use during food production and preventing pesticides from ending up in our surface water and drinking water.
As long as EU policy and legislation does not require to improve the ecological footprint of the horticulture sector, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do not have a business case yet for developing and implementing their innovations. The Vida program provides the financial means and required publicity, making it possible for SMEs to co-create innovations that are input for and anticipate new environmental legislation.

This project was awarded by the VIDA project and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no 777795.
The content of this document represents the view of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility: it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). The European Commission and the Agency do not accept responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.
Water Waves reactor met WW Ultravibes
The effect of -WW UltraVibes- on the scaling of the quartz protection sleeves was extensively shown in Water Waves’ reactors for AOP (advanced oxidation). For this puropose, water with a high concentration of humic acids and a high supersaturation for calcium carbonate was treated with UV-C irradiation. After a reaction time of one week, without ultrasound treatment, a layer of calcium carbonate scaling is present on the quartz protection sleeves, reducing the efficiency of the UV-C irradiation to nearly zero. Application of ultrasound results in perfectly clean quartz tubes without any scaling (photo on the right hand side). On the photo on the right hand side, 2 quartz sleeves locally show some impurities present at the surface. These impurities originate from impurities in water present on the surface of the quartz tubes and can be wiped off with a finger.

Lamp-ion BV in Promo-clip: “Tien jaar Nederlands-Duitse samenwerking: Interreg A (in Dutch)”
The cooperation in the interreg A project Denewa between (amongst others) Wetsus and Easymeasure B.V. has lead to the inception of the Water Waves concepts -WW UltraVibes- en -WW UltraOxidizer-. The technologies has been developed by Lamp-ion in cooperation with Water Waves into a market ready concept. Both Mateo Mayer (director Water Waves) and Martijn Wagterveld (director Lamp-ion) share their expertise in the promo below.
Breakthrough in ultrasound
Since december 2014 Lamp-ion cooperates with Water Waves B.V. This cooperation has led to a breakthrough in ultrasound, the development of -WW UltraVibes-. More information is available through the website of Water Waves or our contactform.
The company name Lamp-ion is a combination of: idea (the cartoonesk lamp) and innovation and development or “ontwikkeling” in Dutch, (ion). The last part of the name also gives an idea of the knowledge and specialization of Lamp-ion, in fact all areas where ions play an important role, such as electrochemistry but also crystallization. The basis of this knowledge lies within the research institute Wetsus, European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology. Therefore Lamp-ion B.V. can be considered to be a spin-off of Wetsus.